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Terahertz Applications Group

Department of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology

Postdocs and Research Fellows

Enquiries from potential postdocs or research fellows are always welcome. Unless there is a position specifically advertised, we are not able to fund visiting postdocs. However, there are a number of sources of funding that might enable you to join our group. Several colleges in Cambridge offer Junior Research Fellowships, which are open to all applicants who have recently finished their PhD and are intending to establish an independent research career. Deadlines vary depending on the college, and the best option is to check individual college websites or the Cambridge Reporter where all positions are published.

There are also a number of competitive fellowships offered by the UK research councils, the European Union, as well as national fellowships for foreigners to come to the UK. Examples for organisations who regularly award such fellowships include the Royal Society (University Fellowship programme), EPSRC, Royal Academy of a Engineering, Leverhulme Trust, Newton International Fellowships and Marie Curie Fellowships.  For overseas applicants, it will be necessary to deal with visa requirements, but the department can advise on immigration matters. 

PhD Students

If you are intrested in a PhD in our research group please contact the head of the group Dr Axel Zeitler at any time. However, please keep in mind that you need to have applied formally to the university by mid December if you want to be considered for any studentships that might be available from either the department or the university. Overseas applicants should also make enquiries in their home country to see whether there are suitable studentships that would cover their studies abroad. From time to time we may be able to offer specific industrially funded studentships which are advertised explicitly on this website.

Prospective students should initially send a CV, the name of two referees and a cover letter to Dr Axel Zeitler specifying where their interests lie. Further details of graduate entry, including possible sources of funding, can be obtained from the Department of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology website.